Raktamokshana therapy is blood cleansing and purification therapy. It is a therapeutic cleaning process given by Ayurveda. It is one of the essential parts of the Panchakarma healing treatments. Raktamokshana is the prime process of blood detoxification. Ancient Acharya Sushrutha explained Raktmokshana among Panchakarma. It is derived from the two words, "Rakt", which means blood and "Mokshana", which means leave. Thus, Rakt mokshana means to let the blood out. The blood is expelled out from the body to reduce the quantity of toxic substances in blood-borne disorders. However, this therapy is not generally recommended to the patients. This is because; it involves a certain amount of risk factors in the whole cleansing and detoxification processes.
Best Season for Raktamokshana Therapy
Sharad Ritu (Autumn season) is the best season for Raktamokshana therapy. The blood vitiated by pitta, Kapha & vata dosha should be removed from Leech therapy (Jalauka), Pitcher gourd (Alabu) and Horn of animals