Swedana is a steam treatment explained in Ayurvedic medical science. The swedana is the process of inducing sweat with the help of steam, generated from medicated herbal decoctions. It is the pre-operative procedure in various Ayurvedic detox therapies where the objective is to dilate the channels of the body to detach the toxins from the tissues. Ayurvedic fomentation is usually given after an oil massage.
â— Balances Vata and Kapha humors in the body
â— Detaches toxins; expels them through the tiny pores of the skin along with sweat
â— Increases circulation; reduces inflammation
â— Revitalizes and rejuvenates the skin
â— Improves digestion
â— Removes stupor
â— Acts on fat tissues
â— Relieves stress
â— Eases sore muscles
â— Reduces numbness, stiffness, rigidity, heaviness; improves mobility